Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle
Semi-Final to the World Title challenge
This match has a lot at stake and Dixie Carter is at ringside to watch two of the most entertaining, athletically gifted wrestlers of all time. The early exchange is quick and Kurt Angle slows the match down after an emphatic powerbomb on Jeff Hardy. Angle focusses on Hardy's head and neck area, but Hardy's resilience is not to underestimate. He gets back in the match and hits Kurt with teh whisper in the wind. Back and forth the match goes and Hardy hits the Twist of Fate. He slowly makes his way to the tope rope, but Kurt is up and he runs to climb and then launch Hardy to the mat. One, Two - near fall. The match continues as Jeff avoids the Angle Slam, but Angle too avoids the Swanton. The match goes on and Angle hits the Angle Slam, but only gets Two. Angle pulls the straps down and then puts a series of German suplexes on Jeff Hardy. Angle can't keep Hardy down and he then goes for a moonsault, but misses. Crash and burn and both men look like they've just fallen out of a building. Hardy and Angle then scuffle to ringside and Hardy hits the Twist of Fate on the mat and Jeff Hardy gets back into the ring to climb high and hit a heart-stopping Swanton Bomb right on the Olympic Gold Medalist. Both men are down at ringside and it's not until the count of Nine when they both crawl back into the ring. Angle gets Hardy grounded after an exchange and he then goes up high himself to nail a frog-splash on Jeff. One, Two - kick out and the fans are chanting
'This Is Awesome!' Hardy goes on to hit two consecutive Swanton's and Kurt Angle kicks out both times. On a third attempt Angle gets his knees up and soon after hits an Angle Slam and Jeff kicks out. Finally Angle has the Ankle lock hooked on, but Jeff uses his athleticism to roll through and Kurt flies to ringside. Hardy then dives from the apron onto Angle and it's not long before they're in the ring again and Kurt again puts on the Ankle lock. The hold is on for a long long time until Jeff finally manages to kick Kurt away. Lateral press by Angle, One, Two - kick out and again Kurt hooks on the Ankle lock. Jeff tries and tries to roll through or grab a rope, but eventually Kurt Angle gets the Ankle lock grapevined in the middle of the ring and after what seems an eternity Jeff Hardy looks like he's about to tap, but the bell rings.Draw!
The time limit expires and the match is called a Draw. Eric Bischoff comes out to have a conversation with Dixie Carter and he then gets on the mic to say that there is to be another five minutes on the clock. It's overtime and this match continues!