Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bill Simmons starts Randy Moss trade rumors on Twitter

"moss vikings"

With those two words, Bill Simmons unknowingly (or knowingly -- we'll get to that) started a rumor saying disgruntled New England Patriots receiver Randy Moss(notes) was close to being traded to the Minnesota Vikings. The ESPN.com columnist quickly backtracked though, explaining that the two-word Tweet was intended as a direct message to one person and wasn't supposed to go out to his 1.2 million followers.

"Sorry that last tweet was supposed to be a DM. Rumors swirling about a Pats-Minny trade for Randy Moss."


Glee Episode 3 Grilled Cheesus Review: Lea Michele Papa Can You Hear Me Song Steals The Show

Glee Episode 3: Grilled Cheesus is in the books, and fans will remember it for all of the memorable songs that were on the show.

Among the most notable were “Papa Can You Hear Me,” as fans marveled at the performance by Lea Michele.

After the Britney Spears stint on Glee last week, fans were anxious to see more, and the Papa Can You Hear Me performance certainly delivered.


Research into graphene wins Nobel Prize 2010

The 2010 Nobel prize for physics was awarded Tuesday to two professors from the University of Manchester in England for "groundbreaking" experiments with the two-dimensional material graphene.

The professors are Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, both originally from Russia.

Graphene is one of a class of two-dimensional materials discovered by Geim's research group at the university, according to Graphene Industries, which says it has worked closely with Geim. It consists of a hexagonal array of carbon atoms, just like those found in bulk graphite, but is "fundamentally different" from the familiar three-dimensional material, in part because it is flexible.

"The discovery of two-dimensional materials means that scientists now have access to materials of all dimensionalities, including zero-dimensional (quantum dots, atoms) and one-dimensional (nanowires, carbon nanotubes)," according to Graphene Industries.

Geim said it is impossible to describe the range of possible uses for the material.

"Imagine 100 years ago and someone found amazing properties of polymers, and at that moment, you don't know what to do with polymers -- you can only imagine the range of applications," Geim said.

"I hope that graphene and other two-dimensional crystals will change everyday life as plastics did for humanity."

Source: (via CNN)

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