Thursday, September 23, 2010

Facebook DNS Error Failure Causes Login Problems: Service Unavailable

Why isn't facebook working right now?

In case you were wondering why Facebook wasn’t working earlier, there was a DNS failure that caused an error in the system.

The Facebook DNS error was a result a technical problem with the server that prevented users from logging in. Though the Facebook dns error is now fixed, the problem lasted throughout most of the day today and at some points yesterday.

Facebook has been up and down all day, prompting users to wonder if their content has been compromised.

The common term for the Facebook dns failure is that the “server crashed.”

With over 500 million members using the Facebook service, the dns failure is no doubt affecting users all over the world.


Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Trailer

Over the past decade, the most successful movie franchise in the world has been the Harry Potter franchise.

This franchise, which has created 7 movies so far, has just released the trailer of its newest film, which is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows.

The new trailer, which was released yesterday on you tube, has already been watched by hundreds of thousands of fans across the world, which leads many to believe that the newest film in the series will be just as successful as the rest.

This film will be the last in the series and is expected to close out the adventures of Harry Potter.


Harvest Moon 2010, Did You Catch The Rare Phenomenon

Related searches:
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A beautiful, natural phenomenon is set to occur tonight within the northern hemisphere. This interesting event is called a harvest moon. A harvest moon occurs when a full moon happens on the last day of summer.


Salió el tercer número de "Solidaridad"

Ha salido a circulación el tercer número del periódico clasista y libertario "Solidaridad" (Chile). La publicación es un esfuerzo conjunto de las organizaciones anarquistas Voz Negra, Estrategia Libertaria y Corriente de Acción Libertaria, todas de Santiago.
Su precio es de $300. El correo de contacto es publicacion.solidaridad at gmail dot com.

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"E questa è casa mia e qui comando io" - Fiat comanda, la Confindustria progetta

Il 16 ottobre la mobilitazione nazionale FIOM sarà la verifica per costruire una risposta di settori sociali e soggetti politici nei prossimi mesi. Tutto il sindacalismo conflittuale e di base è chiamato ad uno sforzo di coordinamento e di unità. Tutte le forze politiche a sostegno delle lotte dal basso e della difesa alla base delle condizioni di vita dei lavoratori/trici nel posto di lavoro e nel territorio sono chiamate ad uno sforzo di convergenza e di mobilitazione.

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Paris: Action hier, Rassemblement ce soir !

Cet été à Khimki, un large mouvement d’opposition s’est élevé contre un projet d’autoroute entaché de corruption, auquel une entreprise française, Vinci, s’est associée : pour construire cette autoroute, il fallait détruire la forêt de Khimki.

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Η FAU Βερολίνου για την υπόθεση Banquet

Εμείς ως ένωση, απαιτούμε κατά συνέπεια από τα δικαστήρια της Θεσσαλονίκης να σεβαστούν το βασικό ανθρώπινο δικαίωμα στην ελευθερία του λόγου, όπως έκαναν και τα δικαστήρια του Βερολίνου. Τα δικαιώματα των εργαζομένων να εκφράζουν τις εμπειρίες και τις απόψεις τους, δεν αξίζει λιγότερο από το δικαίωμα του ιδιοκτήτη να κοινοποιεί τις απόψεις του σχετικά με το ζήτημα στο κοινό (όπως έχει ήδη συμβεί στο παρελθόν).

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CGT denuncia el hostigamiento de la policía francesa contra personas que marchan a Bruselas

CGT denuncia que desde que la marcha “Contra la reforma laboral y por los derechos sociales”, cuyo destino es Bruselas, ha cruzado París se está produciendo una injustificada actuación policial contra las personas que componen la marcha. CGT informa de la continua e injustificada presencia policial, con un aparatoso despliegue de efectivos y vehículos, continuados seguimientos, fotografiando a personas y coches, realizando identificaciones e interrogatorio.

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La Confédération Paysanne occupe La Maison du Lait à Paris ! Soutenons la !

Le 21 septembre 2010 - La Confédération Paysanne occupe depuis maintenant 14 jours (depuis le mercredi 8 septembre) la Maison du Lait, siège du CNIEL ( Interprofession Laitière Nationale) afin d’obtenir une représentation pluraliste au sein de cette interprofession.

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Convocatoria Urgente a Acciones por Copala


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Swiss News: History made: Switzerland to be run by female majority

Switzerland has its first female majority in the Federal Council. Social Democrat Simonetta Sommaruga has been elected to replace outgoing Transport Minister Moritz Leuenberger, making her the fourth woman on the seven-member governing body. Women couldn’t secure a fifth seat though: Liberal MP Johann Schneider-Ammann has been elected to replace outgoing Finance Minister Hans-Rudolf Merz.

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Sweden News: Stockholm takes a stand for racial tolerance

A crowd of around 10,000 people gathered in central Stockholm on Monday evening to demonstrate against racism after the anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats were voted into Sweden's parliament.

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French News: France hit by new strikes over retirement age

French commuters squeezed onto limited public transport and fought for rare parking spots on Thursday as a second round of strikes against President Nicolas Sarkozy's plan to raise the retirement age from 60 to 62 hobbled trains, planes and schools across France.

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American Idol Judges: Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez

Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler and singer Jennifer Lopez will be judges on the forthcoming 10th series of American Idol, it has been announced.

The new line-up was announced by presenter Ryan Seacrest at a press conference in Los Angeles.

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Teresa Lewis Execution: Still Scheduled For September 23

The Supreme Court Refused to Block the Execution of Virginia Woman Teresa Lewis

Teresa Lewis will be the first woman to be executed in Virginia in almost 100 years and she is still scheduled to die by lethal injection on Thursday September 23.

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Jones Soda to revamp WhoopAss energy drink

Jones Soda Co. said it will revamp the WhoopAss energy drink it originally introduced 11 years ago.

The Seattle soda company (NASDAQ: JSDA) said it will change the beverage’s packaging, ingredients, flavor and color to better compete in the U.S. $5.4 billion energy drink industry.

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Jean Philippe hell's kitchen

The seventh season of Hell's Kitchen ran Tuesdays nights from June 1. The restaurant's Belgian maître d', Jean-Philippe Susilovic, comes from Petrus...

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