The Latest from TechCrunch | |
- U.S. Vice President Joe Biden (@VP) Joins Twitter
- Google Offers Versus Groupon: The Portland Throwdown
- South Korea Promises Paperless Schools By 2015
- Declaration of Insurance Independence (Part II): Unleash The Health IT Startups
- WordPress 3.1 Downloaded Over 15 Million Times In Under 5 Months
- Amazon Acquires UK-Based Online Book Retailer The Book Depository For International Expansion
- SHAPE Services Acquires Developer Of ‘fone’, To Release IM+ Video App
- GammaRebels Aims To Be The YCombinator For Central Europe
- Gadget Week On Fly Or Die (TCTV)
- A Nice Refreshing Glass Of Crisp Beer: Pintley Brings Social Tools To Beer Reviews
- Fox News Twitter Account Hijacked, President Obama Declared Dead
- The HP ProBook 5330m: Where Have I Seen This Thing Before?
- The Google/Slide Quiet Launches Continue With Prizes — Social Contests For Money
- Will Our Grandchildren Be Asking What The Heck Facebook Was Someday?
- Social Studies
- Zuckerberg Surprised That People Are Surprised He’s On Google+
- (Founder Stories) MakerBot’s Bre Pettis: “We Started With 3 Guys, A Laser Cutter, And A Dream”
- The Power Of Pull
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden (@VP) Joins Twitter Posted: 04 Jul 2011 09:26 AM PDT
This seems to be the Vice President’s first official active Twitter account. The White House Blog reports that Biden's staff will be providing updates on the latest news and announcements coming out of the Office of the Vice President, “as well as a behind the scenes look at Veep-life.” In the first Tweet from VP Biden’s account, his staff wrote “VP & Dr. B hope you take time to think about our troops & military families this Independence Day, Happy 4th from OVP! @JoiningForces.” The White House and the 2012 Obama campaign is on a Twitter rampage. As we reported a few weeks ago, as the 2012 campaign heats up, Twitter has become a centralized platform for communications between candidates and the general public. President's 2012 campaign took over managing Obama’s Twitter (@barackobama) and Facebook accounts (which were previously managed by the DNC). And Obama himself will begin posting updates on both Facebook and Twitter. And last week, the White House announced its first ever town hall on Twitter, which will take place this Wednesday. Citizens will be able to participate by Tweeting questions with the hashtag #AskObama, and can follow @Townhall for updates. Via a Twitter-hosted site, you can also watch President Obama respond live via webcast, with Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey moderating the meeting. It’s unclear if VP Biden will be participating in this forum but it definitely makes sense for the VP to have his own formal Twitter account ahead of the campaign. |
Google Offers Versus Groupon: The Portland Throwdown Posted: 04 Jul 2011 08:30 AM PDT Google Offers just finished its first month. Google has been testing its Groupon compete in Portland and I’ve been closely tracking the results. Doing a head-to-head comparison like this is a bit difficult because the two companies run deals differently. Groupon runs multiple deals each day. Many Groupon deals span multiple days, with some running for three days. Google Offers on weekends ran for two days. For each run, I picked a representative deal from Groupon and compared it with the deal from Google. I looked at 24 deals from each company. For these deals, the median deal value for Google was $1,987 compared with $8,900 for Groupon. In its first month, Google grossed $129,000 compared with $331,000 for Groupon. Five of the Google Offers grossed less than $1,000; all of the Groupon offers exceeded this. This is to be expected given Groupon’s longstanding presence in the market; Google hasn’t had the time to build a large subscriber base. Actual Groupon revenue (across all deals) would be significantly higher. “Our Portland trial is going very well for us,” said Eric Rosenblum, director for Google Offers. “Our intention was to start learning how to source great deals, provide excellent merchant and customer service (including phone and email support), and deliver value to our customers, and we are certainly doing that. In terms of our commercial results, the majority of our deals in month one either outperformed or were in-line with our expectations while around a quarter underperformed. Our total units are above where we had projected, but we still need to get better about predicting performance.” One significant difference was the median sale price. Google’s median sale price was $10; Groupon’s was 4 times that at $40. This was the result of Groupon having a higher percentage of services and activities such as rock climbing and screenprinting classes. Cash sells best An area of concern for deal companies is that the deals that generate the most revenue are the ones that are least sustainable for businesses. The most popular deal in the month for Google Offers was an offer for $20 worth of merchandise at Powell’s Books for $10. 5,000 Powell’s vouchers sold out in a matter of hours. Powell’s is a Portland institution and the deal was the equivalent of selling cash for half off; there’s no reason not to buy one. The next day, Google ran an offer for personal training and fitness classes. That deal sold 9 units. The worst performing deal over the course of the month was an acupuncture deal that sold 5 units over 2 days. Google grossed $300 on that deal. Although Google would not comment on specific deals, I expect that the Powell’s deal was heavily subsidized by Google in order to build its mailing list. Rosenblum did say deal subsidies are something they would consider for appropriate merchants. I can’t think of a more appropriate merchant. The worst performing Groupon that I tracked grossed $1,440 and the best performing deal grossed $44,000. Excluding the Powell’s deal, which grossed $50,000, the best Google Offer grossed a bit more than $23,000. The closer a deal is to a cash equivalent for an everyday need, the more it will sell. 3 of the top 5 grossing Google deals were for restaurants; another was for 62% off GoKart racing. (That was the one deal that outperformed my expectations.) Deals like dentists, guitar lessons and medical services (one Groupon offer for a breast exam sold 12 units) are more sustainable for businesses but are low frequency activities. Groupon has a large enough mailing list that it can still generate significant revenue off deals that are sustainable for businesses. But it also means that they will have to keep growing their list rapidly as people tire of such deals. Offer restrictions Google Offers generally had more restrictions than offers on Groupon. While this may sound like a bad thing, I believe it’s better for the ecosystem long term. An offer for Le Bistro Montage restricted the deal to weekend brunch. This is a new product offering for the restaurant, so it serves to expand awareness versus potentially displacing existing business. An offer for a Mediterranean cafe wasn’t valid for lunch. A deal for a barber shop was “valid only for barbers Brian or Jennifer.” In at least one case, I thought the restrictions went overboard. Here are some of the restrictions for a deal at an Italian restaurant:
Although the intent is to smooth demand, these are unusual restrictions and I worry they could create a bad customer-service dynamic as consumers who purchase the deals and don’t read the fine print try to redeem them. The final deal of the month didn’t get a lot of traction because of its low value. It offered $6 worth of Vietnamese food for $3. The description noted that a small bowl of pho is $6.50, large is $7.50. For a deal seeker, that’s an unattractive deal because they would have to pay additional cash out of pocket. For many consumers, prepurchasing a voucher to save $3 hardly seems worth it. Sales process A common complaint about Groupon from merchants is that they weren’t made aware that they could cap a deal or that a cap was ignored. We published an email from a former Groupon employee who stated that some salespeople low-balled volume estimates to get merchants to run deals uncapped. The feedback I’ve received from merchants about Google Offers in Portland indicates that Google sales tries to ensure that the deal structure is suitable to the business’s needs. (But then again, this was the launch of the service, so you’d expect Google to be extra vigilant). One merchant mentioned that Google asked if she wanted to restrict the deal to new customers only. (She opted not to.) Another merchant told me that while she wouldn’t consider running a Groupon, she was considering a run with Google Offers. She liked having the flexibility to restrict the offer to just breakfast, a time when most people aren’t aware that they’re open. One complaint about Google Offers that was reported by Business Insider is that Google sales reps have implied that running an offer would make them #1 in Google search results. Google spokeswoman Jeannie Hornung said, “We have a training process in place for sales people that has made and continues to make it very clear that Offers has nothing to do with search. As we said before there was clearly a misunderstanding.” I believe that Google won’t let Offers influence search results. I’m equally certain that when you build a large sales organization, some people will try to close deals by implying things that aren’t true. Google’s reputation in search is too important to damage. Any perception of such tying would also raise antitrust concerns. Google would be well served to make it very clear in its merchant help center and its merchant agreement that search results are not helped by running an offer. If it were my product, I would have merchants specifically acknowledge that they understand that Offers doesn’t generate an SEO benefit. Conclusion It’s still the early days of the daily deal business and Google has put out a very credible beta in Portland. Thirty days in, I stand by my claim that there’s not much that is original here. I believe that they’re striking a better balance between merchant and consumer value than Groupon. The additional restrictions mean that merchants aren’t just selling cash at a substantial discount. Another key differentiator for merchants is more generous payment terms. Google pays out 80% of the merchant’s share in about 4 days and the remainder (subject to chargebacks) in about 90 days. Groupon pays out 1/3 in 5 days, 1/3 in 30 days and 1/3 in 90 days. That should make for some interesting competition as Google’s product matures and it rolls out in more cities. Up next: New York and San Francisco. Clarification: In an earlier post I noted that Google held consumers responsible if a merchant went out of business. This was based on Google’s posted terms of service. Google has since told me that the wording was unclear and meant the opposite of what they intended. “Google’s intention is to refund money to all consumers who purchased a voucher from a merchant that has gone out of business,” Hornung said. “We are redrafting clearer language now which we can share when it’s published.” Share your daily deal experiences — Photo credit: Flickr/Oliver Hammond |
South Korea Promises Paperless Schools By 2015 Posted: 04 Jul 2011 08:10 AM PDT
In South Korea, there seems to be much less fear over a paperless world, as the country has promised to replace all the paper in its schools by 2015. |
Declaration of Insurance Independence (Part II): Unleash The Health IT Startups Posted: 04 Jul 2011 07:12 AM PDT
In Part 1, I outlined the drivers of the Declaration of Insurance Independence including the following:
Convergence of Factors Driving Industry Disruption Consider the following convergence of factors to comprehend the scale of the need for innovation in healthcare:
The only hope to address this convergence of factors is to reshape how care is delivered and paid for. Among other things, it’s imperative that there’s greater efficiency — an area where technology has demonstrated it can play a role time and again. Whereas technology has brought incremental efficiency in healthcare, organizations such as Qliance and OneMedical have utilized technology for radical transformation. It’s no coincidence that they are backed by the founders of Amazon, aQuantive, Dell, Expedia, and venture firms such as Benchmark — all organizations that dramatically altered their sectors using technology to disrupt their industries. The graphic below shows how Qliance has earned a Net Promoter score higher than Google or Apple in a sector that has the lowest average Net Promoter Score of any industry. You can also see Yelp reviews for Qliance and MedLion to get further anecdotes. More Time Spent with Patients Translates to Better Health Outcomes and Less Time & Interestingly, in the transformative models described earlier, doctors consistently tell me that half to two-thirds of their patient interaction time doesn't need to be face-to-face (the legacy insurance reimbursement model requires face-to-face appointments for the doctor to get paid). They can deliver high quality medicine without being in the same room as them. By spending less time on insurance bureaucracy, they are able to spend 2 to 8 times more time with patients and still make a reasonable living. These longer appointments aren’t simply a luxury. They’ve demonstrated they can save money and improve outcomes. In the legacy model, a typical 7-minute appointment only allows the doctor enough time to address one symptom with limited time to address the underlying issue. One doctor operating in a non-insurance primary care model gave me the example of a female patient describing symptoms of terrible headaches. He said that in the old model, he would have ordered an expensive CT scan to understand if there was something going on. Instead, over the course of a longer discussion, he found that the lady’s mother-in-law had recently moved into her house. Instead, he “prescribed” setting boundaries, going for walks and other stress-relieving measures. Implications of Government-driven Health Reform Of course, the reshaping of healthcare isn’t limited to the DIY Health Reform movement. McKinsey just released a study of employer reaction to the new health law as reported in an article entitled, “Is Employer Sponsored Health Care the Next Jurassic Park?”
Putting aside the political issues, the implication is that even more people will become healthcare consumers where they'd previously had that decision handled for them. While I’d expect that the impact of the DIY Health Reformers will be more immediate, the opportunity only increases with government-driven health reform. The CTO of the U.S. recently laid out just how big the opportunity is in the video below. Time for Health IT Entrepreneurs/Investors to Jump Back in the Water Due to the scorched earth in Health IT for startups, it’s understandable why mainstream venture investors have been reluctant to invest. Despite my own heavy background in Health IT, I intentionally stayed away as I’ve stated to many people “health IT is where startups go to die” as the pace of decision making and go-to-market challenges have been epic. Many people’s reaction to healthcare in the U.S. is similar to MidEast Peace. That is, they know it’s a severe issue but it seems almost hopeless. Let me leave you with a final thought of how this country solved another seemingly intractable problem starting about 100 years ago. At the start of the twentieth century, another indispensable but unmanageably costly sector was strangling the country: agriculture. In 1900, more than forty per cent of a family's income went to paying for food. At the same time, farming was hugely labor-intensive, tying up almost half the American workforce. We were, partly as a result, still a poor nation. As Atul Gawande’s Testing, Testing article goes on to describe, the U.S. addressed that massive issue to the point where we now spend 8% on food and only 2% of the workforce. TechCrunch contributor and venture capitalist Mark Suster has repeatedly stated that entrepreneurs should be solving the truly big challenges in our society — health, education and energy — instead of creating yet another social tool, location-based service or trivial application. As economist Laura Tyson so eloquently put it, “We do not have a debt problem in the US economy, we have a healthcare problem.” Sticking with the legacy fee-for-service insurance model for day-to-day healthcare threatens individual, business, and government budgets. The lowest hanging fruit is removing the 40% “insurance bureaucrat tax” which is why the Declaration of Insurance Independence will unleash the wave of innovative new care and payment models that will be powered by innovation of the technology industry. Get busy! |
WordPress 3.1 Downloaded Over 15 Million Times In Under 5 Months Posted: 04 Jul 2011 06:08 AM PDT The latest stable version of WordPress, 3.1, was first released on 23 February 2011. Now, less than 5 months later, the blogging software has been downloaded over 15 million times according to a tweet posted mere minutes ago (and the download counter). Joomla just recently announced that its software has been downloaded 23 million times (note that this is the total number, not for any specific versions of the software solution). For your information: WordPress 3.1 is what TechCrunch uses to power most of its sites. The latest version of the popular blogging software product is actually WordPress 3.1.4, which is a maintenance and security update for all previous versions. Just yesterday, a blog post about the next version, WordPress 3.2, was published, revealing that it will be released ‘very soon’ (release candidate here). WordPress 3.2 will finally drop support for Internet Explorer 6. Related: Automattic Hits 300 Million Unique Visitors, Roughly $10M In Revenue |
Amazon Acquires UK-Based Online Book Retailer The Book Depository For International Expansion Posted: 04 Jul 2011 06:00 AM PDT
So why buy this company? The Book Depository, is one of the fastest growing booksellers in Europe. The retailer has over a million customers and also comes with a Dodo Press imprint and a fulfillment centre in Gloucester, UK. The company ships its books free of charge, worldwide, to over 100 countries. Amazon currently offers international sites in Germany, Japan, Austria, Canada, China, France, the UK and also has a Spanish-site for Spanish-speaking countries. But the company no doubt wants to expand beyond these countries and The Book Depository expands its reach with an established customer base in Europe and a fulfillment center. It’s unclear from the release if The Book Depository will become an Amazon-owned but independent site or if will be folded into the Amazon platform. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see Amazon making similar moves in other countries. We know that the company is looking to expand to India, and an acquisition of Flipkart, the current Amazon of India, would make sense. |
SHAPE Services Acquires Developer Of ‘fone’, To Release IM+ Video App Posted: 04 Jul 2011 05:08 AM PDT Exclusive - SHAPE Services, the company behind the immensely popular, cross-platform IM+ messaging applications (and then some), has agreed to acquire CrispApp, the Hong Kong based developer of the fone app for iOS (iTunes link). Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed, but we’ve poked around and learned that the purchase price was approximately $200,000. As a result of the acquisition (and the partnership agreement between SHAPE and CrisApp, which was forged prior to this deal), SHAPE says it will soon launch a stand-alone iPhone application called IM+ Video – expect it to hit the App Store within the next 10 days. IM+ Video will be a mobile video chat application for Facebook, enabling users to chat from mobile to mobile, mobile to desktop and the other way around, free of charge. Basically, it will be the fone voice chat app combined with CrispApp’s video technology. The fone app will, however, not be removed from the App Store, though, SHAPE Services CEO Igor Berezovsky tells me. I spoke to Berezovsky earlier this morning, and asked him how things are going for SHAPE. Very well, apparently: the bootstrapped company has been profitable since 2002 – Berezovsky jokes that that was 5 years before Steve Jobs made the word “app” popular. There are currently roughly 12.5 million registered IM+ users, and SHAPE’s system process about 1.7 billion messages and 750 million ad impressions per month. This isn’t the first acquisition by SHAPE Services. Back in 2008, the company acquired mobile app developer Warelex for $2.4 million. |
GammaRebels Aims To Be The YCombinator For Central Europe Posted: 04 Jul 2011 04:18 AM PDT |
Gadget Week On Fly Or Die (TCTV) Posted: 04 Jul 2011 03:26 AM PDT In this episode of Fly Or Die we go through a few popular gadgets including the MacBook-alike HP Probook 5330m, the EFun Nextbook, and the Nokia N9. We found most of the devices to be acceptable but we were in agreement about the crablet EFun Nextbook which is about the worst piece of garbage imaginable (based on our extensive test that involved us looking at the thing as it crashed constantly.) We’ll try to have more Fly or Dies over the summer as Erick and I go our separate ways to various vacation hotspots including, in my case, Warsaw and potentially Yonkers. |
A Nice Refreshing Glass Of Crisp Beer: Pintley Brings Social Tools To Beer Reviews Posted: 04 Jul 2011 02:24 AM PDT
Until now. Enter Pintley (not, I will note, which goes to This website has been around since 2008 but is still apparently in Beta. It was launched when founder Tim Noetzel learned of the majesty of European beers after getting blitzed night after night on Alts in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Desperate to bring the thing that made Europe great – namely the regular and total obliteration of the spirit through constant alcohol consumption – to the U.S., he and a dedicated team of tipplers built Pintley to rate and comment upon various kinds of beer.
The site is a bit barren right now but Noetzel et al have created a sort of directory of fine beers and they’re working directly with brewers to grow the database. They have also created an iPhone app for the drunk on the go and there is also a mobile version of the site.
So sling it back, suck it down, and stare into space as you get up the nerve to talk to that guy or girl someone brought to the barbecue today and seems to be from out of town and may or may not have smiled at you at some point during the past three hours while grabbing a hamburger. After all, as a great man once said, beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. |
Fox News Twitter Account Hijacked, President Obama Declared Dead Posted: 04 Jul 2011 02:13 AM PDT Follow @neilhimself Neil Gaiman And I guess if you're going to hack @foxnewspolitics you might as well announce the assassination of President Obama. Why think small? There’s nothing even remotely amusing about this: some stupid kids – actual age unknown – have taken over the (verified) @FoxNewsPolitics Twitter account and posted a series of messages declaring U.S. President Barack Obama dead on the eve of the Fourth of July, the national day of the United States. The ‘hackers’ appear to have taken over the account around 2 AM Eastern time, and went on to claim President Obama was shot twice at an Iowa restaurant, that he passed away soon thereafter, and that the shooter’s identity was unknown. By the time this post was published, the account had seen no tweets for a couple of hours, but neither was it suspended or were any of the fake reports deleted, so whoever gained access to the Twitter account may still have it. Update: the Fox News website now shows a message saying:
Read more: @FoxNewsPolitics has around 33,000 followers, but evidently many of the tweets have been retweeted and spread rapidly across the network. Multiple reports claim there were more tweets, some declaring the successful hacking of the account, which have since been deleted. One of them reportedly read:
The link in the tweet led to another Twitter account, which has since been suspended. THINK claims to have spoken to a ‘representative’ of The Script Kiddies, who said:
He or she also said this was only the beginning, and explained why Fox News was singled out:
They also appear to have talked to The Hacker News, if you’re interested. |
The HP ProBook 5330m: Where Have I Seen This Thing Before? Posted: 04 Jul 2011 01:02 AM PDT
I spent a week with the 13.3-inch ProBook and found that overall, it's a very well-made little beast. Under the hood, you'll find a 2.5 GHz Core i5 processor, 4GB of RAM, integrated Intel HD 3000 graphics, a 500GB 7,200-rpm drive, and Windows 7 Professional. |
The Google/Slide Quiet Launches Continue With Prizes — Social Contests For Money Posted: 03 Jul 2011 11:38 PM PDT
Found at (which DotWeekly reported that Google secured back in April for Slide), Prizes is still in beta testing. But it is available for the public to use right now — though contest creation is still invite-only. You simply sign up with Facebook or Twitter (no Google options) and you’re ready to go. Once you sign up, you’ll be presented with a stream of activities you can do — such as creating a soul mixtape — for money. You can follow any of these contests, or drill down into them for more information. And you can submit entries (solutions) for each contest. Each contest has a time limit for completion. And they can get votes from other users. Users of Prizes can also get messages from other users, and get notifications for the contests they’re following. The money aspect is currently only open to users with a “credit history”, meaning users have participated in contests in the past or created their own. The transactions are handled through PayPal (again, not a Google service — Checkout). The idea is fairly compelling, though as usual, you’ll be hard-pressed to find any mention of Slide or Google anywhere on the site. You have to drill into the TOS to find that Slide, by way of Google, is behind the service. Given the lack of Google integration, it seems that this is yet another example of Google giving the Slide team free reign to do as they wish within the company. I mean, they’re really pushing the Facebook Connect integration. Interesting. |
Will Our Grandchildren Be Asking What The Heck Facebook Was Someday? Posted: 03 Jul 2011 10:02 PM PDT Despite Facebook’s relative lag in its embracing of the music industry, music videos and Facebook seem to be like a thing. The latest and most mainstream of examples is the treacly sweet “Unfriend You” by Greyson Chance, a Bieber-a-like who was fittingly discovered on YouTube. The most jarring thing about the song? Chance’s normalized and emotional use of the coined term “Unfriend” as a verb. Seriously through, teenage angst is different now; When I was thirteen I would stay at home, glued by my pink and purple plastic phone (I had coveted second line IN MY ROOM) waiting for a boy to call. In the age of the iPhone, kids can just update their whereabouts on Twitter or Facebook, keeping track of relationships through who’s been Followed and Unfollowed, Friended and yes Unfriended. And don’t even get me started on the can of worms that is Facebook Relationship Status. But, just as the iPhone has replaced second landlines (which were a big deal way back when), will something eventually replace Mr.Zuckerberg’s opus as the go to conduit for teen feelings? Popdust puts it best, “JT is already bringing MySpace back, so—gasp—will our eventual grandchildren be asking us what the heck something called Facebook was one day? That is not a world we want to think about.” And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder … |
Posted: 03 Jul 2011 09:21 PM PDT
The early threads are predictably self-referential, just as they have been for each new startup service at this point in the cycle. With Twitter, I lurked for months until the realtime communications bus provided an opening for Friendfeed. Still in that phase with Foursquare, which joins other iOS apps on the push notification bus as what effectively is one service to me. Facebook is mostly an email notification service Tracking the Google rollout has been surprisingly easy with Twitter. I keep thinking there are some hidden wells of information in the Circles comment stream, but for the most part the value remains at the post or share level. Techmeme absorbed the punch by Saturday night of the holiday weekend. Some conclusions based on this early data:
I’ve tried to avoid the use of the project’s name until now as an exercise in how to think about its elements. I’ve added people to just one Circle, Friends, in order to prepare for the moment when the signal to noise crosses the threshold where Twitter required new filter structures. With little incentive to post Sparks searches and fragmentation of sharing internal threads, I’m somewhat at the mercy of those who like the idea of explicitly controlling who reads what. Yet I come out of the Plus underbrush with a good feeling about what Google has done for itself and its users. We’re a long way from the passion of the early days, the Fail Whale and the privacy rollbacks of Facebook, even the idea of winners and losers. Google + seems to understand in its DNA that it will thrive based on value, not on destruction of competitors’ perceived weakness. While some short term advantage may be gained from favoring the Google platform, the broader challenge is to expand the value of the entire realtime platform. I’m optimistic this will happen as driven by our adoption of the broader disruption. |
Zuckerberg Surprised That People Are Surprised He’s On Google+ Posted: 03 Jul 2011 04:44 PM PDT Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg joining Google+ was a major media event, with everyone from Forbes to The Daily Mail covering the fact that the founder established a Google+ profile, building Circles that include former Facebooker Dustin Moskovitz and current Facebook CTO Bret Taylor. While many were doubtful that the real Zuckerberg would join a competing social service, tech blogger Robert Scoble texted Zuckerberg himself to confirm, tweeting out “Name drop moment. Zuckerberg just texted me back. Says “Why are people so surprised that I’d have a Google account?” In case anyone is still doubting that it is the real Zuck on there, Scoble tells me that Zuckerberg indeed meant Google+ account when he referred to Google account. But the real question is, why are people so surprised that Zuckerberg would chose to be on Google+? Perhaps the answer lies in the precedent set by Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who seem to have shied away from interacting on Facebook as themselves. (According to Steven Levy, Brin is actually on Facebook as a pseudonym. Google Chairman Eric Schmidt is also rumored to be on the service, independently of when Mike impersonated him). Page’s and Brin’s behavior aside, plenty of other founders (Myspace Tom for example) have shown that it’s perfectly normal to partake and enjoy competitive services, and that it shouldn’t necessarily be considered an act of espionage. I for one just hope Zuckerberg is more prolific on Google+ than he is on Twitter. Follow @Scobleizer Robert Scoble Name drop moment. Zuckerberg just texted me back. Says "Why are people so surprised that I'd have a Google account?" |
(Founder Stories) MakerBot’s Bre Pettis: “We Started With 3 Guys, A Laser Cutter, And A Dream” Posted: 03 Jul 2011 10:19 AM PDT As Bre Pettis continues his conversation with Founder Stories host, Chris Dixon, the two discuss the challenges of running a business that literally requires nuts and bolts assembly. In this situation, scaling brings a whole new set of challenges unfamiliar to many software start-ups. Hardware is just a different game. For example, as Pettis tells it, “we ran out of motors, we bought all of them in the world, we went to buy more and they were like you’ve got them all. And so we had to figure out how to like get motors manufactured and custom made for us. So in terms of hardware that’s kind of been a bunch of the challenges.” Dixon admits, sometimes it is “hard for us software people to grok how different it is.” (Disclosure: Dixon is an investor in Makerbot through Founder Collective). And when the times get tough, the tough go to China. Make sure to listen to the entire exchange as Pettis also talks about the importance of face-to-face interaction as a greaser for getting stuff done. Below, Pettis talks about how Makerbot got off the ground. ”We started with 3 guys, a laser cutter, and a dream,” he says. Dixon inquires about copycats who might take on the MakerBot concept and in doing so turn MakerBot into a shadow of its former self. Pettis seems anything but concerned and partially responds by saying, “we’ve got a brand, I don’t know exactly how to quantify that, but you know, when you think about 3D printing, you’re makerbotting, and that’s powerful.” The two go on and discuss Makerbot’s open source platform, hacking on the site and the flow of cash coming into the company. Make sure to watch Part I here and past Founder Stories episodes here. <div><div><script src=”” type=”text/javascript”></script><div><a href=”” rel=”nofollow”>CrunchBase Information</a></div></div><div><div><a href=””>MakerBot</a></div><div><script src=”” type=”text/javascript”></script></div><div><a href=””>Bre Pettis</a></div><div><script src=”” type=”text/javascript”></script></div><div><a href=””>Chris Dixon</a></div><div><script src=”” type=”text/javascript”></script></div><div>Information provided by <a href=”” rel=”nofollow”>CrunchBase</a></div></div></div> |
Posted: 03 Jul 2011 09:08 AM PDT
What makes email, Facebook, and Google so valuable? Answer: Visiting them is largely unprompted, notwithstanding the synapses that fire in your brain that make you check your email, your Facebook feed, or decide to research something on Google. In other words, people pull content themselves, rather than having that content be pushed — or foisted — upon them. The best way of looking at consumer web applications is as a complex stack of "pulls" and "pushes." Lest these terms be confused with an earlier generation of push: a "pull" is an unsolicited action by a consumer, whereas a "push" is a solicitation by a seller/producer. The consumer ultimately "pulls" from a mobile phone or computer. Everything else is "pushed" to the consumer, through ads, e-mails or other marketing efforts from companies eager to get business and traffic. The greatest trick that Facebook ever "pulled" was transforming itself from a push platform (dependent on email to woo users back) into a de facto pull platform. Facebook touts that 50%+ of its users log-in every day, and my guess is that the vast majority do so with no prompting. Push is still valuable but simply complements the massive pull that Facebook has developed. Why is Pull so essential for a web company? The intersecting forces of human psychology and economics. First, psychology: consider how most people hate being “sold” to. “Being sold to” is a form of push. Consumers get hundreds of unsolicited offers and emails pushed to them every week. They learn to tune these solicitations out, especially if they are not in a buying mindset. Relevance is a function of offer-consumer fit paramaterized by time. Second, economics: A pull platform doesn’t need to spend any money to reach or acquire customers; a push platform does. Facebook’s marketing spend per user has to be the lowest of any company known to man. Granted, Facebook is intrinsically viral and laden with network effects, but the unprompted pull phenomenon has been crucial to Facebook’s dominance. The value of pull is not just for consumer companies. Any Business-to-Business company knows the value of “demand generation”: catalyzing a “pull” by customers. The quickest and cheapest sales cycles start with a pull by the prospective customer. For any web company, fostering Pull is essential to creating value and engagement. There is no shortage of great applications and amazing technologies which stagnate due to a lack of pull. But the greatest economic achievement of being a "pull" platform is in becoming the mechanism by which "push" companies must engage with audiences, paying handsomely to do so. This expectation is why a company like Twitter can be valued in the billions with minimal revenue. Here are some ways of thinking about fostering pull: Plan Around Events Groupon Now is Groupon’s attempt to add Pull to its traditionally Push service. I want to eat, where do I go? Groupon. Every human desire has a natural pull tendency. Being the "first responder" to a human desire is incredibly valuable. Find Offline Analogies Most forms of pull fit a predefined social pattern, per the comment on "human desire" above. Before Google, people used phone books (unprompted) to find services. Before email, people would check their postal mailbox, generally at a given time (after the mail was delivered). Answer Recurring Questions There are certain types of content that consumers will invariably pull (or want pushed to them). These types of content generally answer recurring questions of a consumer. How much did I spend Receipts, bank websites)? Where am I going (Google Maps)? How do I get there (Kayak)? What's wrong with me (webMD)? Build Brand and Familiarity Once one of the above is satisfied, brand and credential storage foster pull. A frictionless and "known" experience catalyze pull for transactional activities. While Amazon, as the largest spender on Google, does a fair amount of push, they also benefit from a tremendous amount of pull when consumers decide to shop. This is a combination of the brand but also their accumulation of user/payment credentials. There is no substitute for pull in establishing success for a web company; the key is producing something sufficiently valuable in repeat interactions. Reid Hoffman has noted that "social networks do best when they tap into one of the seven deadly sins." It's no coincidence that people have, unprompted, "pulled" those sins since the dawn of humanity. Image: thisisboss |
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